
International Advanced Messaging Coverage

Effective immediately, advanced messaging* customers are covered automatically while traveling in Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara, Mexico. If you are a nationwide subscriber, there is no extra charge for this service. For Advanced Local customers, coverage in Mexico is charged at the same rate as Nationwide Now® roaming.

To take advantage of coverage in these cities just make sure your device is on and displaying "Full Service." You will receive your messages just like you were in the U.S.

*Advanced Messaging services in Mexico include SkyWriter® two-way service and SkyWord Plus. Additional advanced messaging international coverage is planned.

To view coverage in Mexico click on the cities below:

Mexico City

International One-Way Coverage and Message Access

Traveling internationally? SkyTel has you covered. We also give you flat-rate access to your messages from 52 countries.

International Follow-Me 

International Follow-Me is temporary, on-demand international coverage designed for light paging users and infrequent international travelers. Subscribers pay a low monthly fee, and are charged for each message sent to them while the service is turned on. Using our easy web instructions or a simple touch-tone telephone procedure, subscribers select the country and the length of their visit (up to 99 days), and SkyTel forwards their messages. The service automatically returns to the subscriber's "home" coverage when the time expires.

  • Monthly Service: $7.50
  • Cost per message while Follow-Me service is active: SkyWord (alphanumeric) $0.05 per character, SkyPager® (numeric) $1.25 per page

International Follow-Me Frequent

International Follow-Me Frequent is temporary, on-demand international coverage designed for SkyTel customers who frequently travel to several different countries. You get the same easy access to the service as Follow-Me subscribers. This plan reassigns a pre-set number of messages from your regular coverage plan (Metro, Regional or Nationwide) to an International coverage allotment so you don't pay extra for every message received while the service is turned on.

  • Monthly Service - SkyPager®: $50.00
    Monthly Service - SkyWord: $55.00
  • Monthly International Allotment (reassigned from your regular coverage plan): SkyPager® (numeric)100 pages, SkyWord (alphanumeric) 1,500 characters
  • Additional Messages after the monthly international allotment has been used: SkyPager® (numeric) $1.25 per page, SkyWord (alphanumeric) $0.05 per character

International Simulcast

International Simulcast is designed for frequent travelers who consistently travel to the same countries. Messages are sent to the subscriber's U.S. "home" coverage area and up to five pre-selected countries at all times. Unlike Follow-Me and Follow-Me Frequent, Simulcast subscribers do not need to designate countries or turn the service on or off. This plan reassigns a pre-set number of messages from your regular coverage plan (Metro, Regional or Nationwide) to an International coverage allotment. Because all messages are sent simultaneously to the domestic and international coverage areas, usage is charged to both allotments.

  • Monthly Service - SkyPager®: $50.00 (Canada - $35.00)
    Monthly Service - SkyWord: $55.00 per country (limit of 5 countries)
  • Monthly International Allotment (reassigned from your regular coverage plan): SkyPager® (numeric)100 pages, SkyWord (alphanumeric) 1,500 characters
  • Additional Messages: SkyPager® (numeric) $1.25 per page, SkyWord (alphanumeric) $0.05 per character

International Access

You can call into the U.S. SkyTel System to send and retrieve messages from anywhere in the world. In more than 50 countries, SkyTel provides special, flat rate International Access Numbers for SkyPager® and SkyWord customers. Rather than being charged for a long-distance phone call, your SkyTel account is charged a standard per-minute rate. Generally, the per-minute rate for SkyTel International Access is lower than the cost of an international long-distance phone call.

Advanced Messaging customers and customers traveling to areas where SkyTel International Access is not available must dial directly into the Skytel Integrated Voice Response (IVR) Systems. For more information, call SkyTel Customer Service at 1-800-SKY-USER.